Community Outreach
& Prevention Education

By educating our community, through both targeted outreach and programming, we work to prevent sexual violence. We are committed to teaching healthy and positive relationships that are based on respect, safety, and equality for every member of our community.

Knowledge is Power

Our goal is to empower individuals and organizations in the community to end Sexual Violence. We promote social change through advocacy, education, and training.

SAVE of Essex County's team of educators provides prevention and outreach services throughout the county. Workshops are available on many topics, and include (but are not limited to): Healthy Relationships, Sexual Violence on College Campuses, LGBTQ+ Issues and how to be an Ally, Boundaries and Consent, Teen Dating, Bystander Intervention, Sexual Harassment, Social Media / Internet Safety, Media Literacy / Live Respect, and Mental Health and Self-Care.

Sexual violence prevention is the combined efforts of every member of our community. We utilize educational programs and promote awareness campaigns to help reduce the prevalence of sexual violence in Essex County. All of our services and information are also available in Spanish.

Who We Work With

  • Middle & High Schools

  • Colleges

  • Fraternities & Sororities

  • Elementary Schools

  • Afterschool Programs

  • Education-Based Institutions

  • Private Businesses / Corporations

  • Community-Based Organizations / Non-profits

  • Houses of Worship

  • Community Centers

  • Libraries

  • Clubs (Social, Rotary, etc.)

  • Hospitals and other Medical Service Providers

Prevention Education & Raising Awareness

SAVE’s team of Prevention Specialists work to educate students at the Middle School, High School, and College level about issues surrounding sexual violence.

Presentation & Workshops Topics

 All presentations and educational programming are tailored to the needs of your school or organization.

Our presentations, with the exception of the Live Respect / Media Literacy multi-session format, are one-time workshops. Additional follow-up sessions and sessions in Spanish are also available.


Community Involvement & Engagement

Prevent to SAVE Coalition

The Prevent to SAVE Coalition is comprised of community members and educators who are ready to be at the forefront of change-making. According to the CDC, sexual violence affects millions of people each year and Essex County is no exception. Prevent to SAVE Coalition addresses different facets of Sexual Violence Prevention in our community. Everyone is a stakeholder in preventing sexual violence. We believe every member of our community holds value and brings different expertise to the table in our work to end sexual violence.

Email to learn more
or to join us and take action.

For more information about our Prevention and Education Programs, please call 973-746-0800 x 310 or email

 All Services are also provided in Spanish.

For information in Spanish, please call 973-746-0800 ext. 310 or email